What You Know First By Kimberly P. Kane
comfortable if you would, and allow me to share a very special story with you. It was written as a children's book, but
I beg to differ. I think that it is a parent's life-goal told in simple words with simple illustrations. Forgive me
if I don't make it through without shedding a tear. I'm the same mom that cannot read Ox Cart man without crying when
he kisses the ox on the nose.
OK, so why did I read you that book? And how does
this all relate to teaching our children? Stay with me and I think you will find that Patricia MacLachlan was correct
when she penned this precious book, "What you know first does stay with you.."
While fulfilling the role of primary
teacher in the lives of our children, we are afforded the awesome and sometimes daunting responsibility of teaching
them what they will know first. That is why it is of utmost importance that what we teach our children first is what
we WANT to stay with them throughout their lives.
So what do you want your children to know first? What kinds of memories
do you want woven into the fabric of their beings? What threads will you supply for that weaving and in what order do
you want it to take place? If you get ahead of yourself, the pattern will not be identifiable and the strength of
the cloth will be compromised. I hope to challenge you today to make your own list of firsts that you will begin instilling
in your children as this beautiful tapestry is assembled. Perhaps one day you will recognize all of these threads
and stitches and knots as you wrap yourself in your own blanket of firsts.
My husband and I have been blessed with
two beautiful children, here on earth. I never once doubted that motherhood would be challenging or sometimes difficult.
However, when you add homeschooling to the mix, the weight of your responsibilities can sometimes appear overwhelming.
That is why it is so important to know what you want to pour into your children. Otherwise, you could find yourself frantically
scrambling to mend and tack things at the end of your journey that should have been woven in carefully all along.
choosing carefully the books and other teaching materials our children will be exposed to, we are setting the very foundation
for them to build upon as they grow into the man or woman God wants them to be. Through reading first the Bible, and
then other inspiring literature and stories, we can help them discover characteristics and qualities that are worth
emulating in their own lives.
Starting with your babies, then toddlers, preschoolers, elementary students and so
on, those first stories and pictures are threads that begin the pattern at the bottom of our figurative loom. Our children
need to hear the Word of God from us first. Not from the Sunday School teacher, not even from the Pastor we sit under.no,
they need to hear it from us first! I still get all choked up when my 9 year old recognizes a portion of scripture
in church and turns to me with a smile and says, "We read that, didn't we Mom?" That is what she knows first. The
Word of God is important in our lives, so important, in fact, that Mom and Dad made sure to impart into their lives.
want my children to see me spending time in the Word on a daily basis. My husband and I decided that to make sure this
was what they knew first, we would actually print out a reading schedule and keep it before us as a way to be accountable
to the Lord, each other and our children. Just last year, I experienced another first with my daughter as she read
the Bible every day for one solid year. We were both able to check off the last daily passage on December 31. Now we are
halfway through another year of reading the Word everyday. One thing my children will know first is that spending time
in His Word is a required part of our day.that way we know His nature first.
As we continue to add to the cloth,
we need to be mindful of other things that are filling the minds of our children. Culling through and finding worthy
works of writing can sometimes be difficult and time-consuming. However, it is our job as "gatekeeper" in their young
lives to provide them with things that are worthy of their time and energy.
Having an early reader in my daughter,
I sometimes found it awkward to provide her with books that were age-appropriate, yet challenging enough to her to
make them worth her time. She and I have been thrilled to discover that there are such books out there, and they can
provide great material for discussion about the kind of people we can truly admire for their character and noble nature.
example, we have read and re-read Patricia MacLachlan's trilogy about Sarah, Jacob, Anna and Caleb, starting with Sarah,
Plain and Tall. Together, we marveled at Sarah's love for children that were not her own and her determination to
make the prairie her home, even when the sea is what she knew first. My daughter was drawn to Anna's abilities to
help run a home and protect her little brother at a very young age. We spent one entire afternoon reading the entire book
because we could not stand the idea of a bookmark keeping the children from spying the yellow bonnet on its way up the
dusty road. No bookmark could keep Jacob from finding Sarah and declaring his love. That is a memory I want my children
to remember first. I'll tie a knot in that thread and continue the weaving.
We must also guard their eyes in other
ways, not just in the case of the written word. When our daughter was born, my husband and I decided that television
would not be a babysitter in our home. In fact, it would be off more than on! No filling time and air with mindless
garbage.what our children would know first is that television is not a permanent fixture in our lives. Instead, it would
be a tool for education and some entertainment, but not a "stay-on-all-day" annoyance, robbing them of their innocence
and imagination! We made Television Tickets that limited viewing to a restricted, manageable amount of time. By doing
so, we taught our children discernment, discipline and discretion. Sitting down to watch a show on TV is a "treat"
at our house. Not an expected distraction. Our children know how to turn the TV off, too! This is a feat many adults
have yet to master. They both realize that 30 minutes is enough, and when the timer beeps, there are no questions. After
all, there is too much life to live and fun to be had. It's always more fun to be doing something else! That thread, now
firmly woven into the very foundation of our tapestry, has returned multiple blessings upon our lives.
those same lines, we have expressed very clear and unchangeable standards for viewing and for reading. By putting into
practice the standards found throughout the Bible, cautioning us to guard our eyes, our ears, our hearts, we are giving
our children a first that will help them grow mature in their walk with the Lord. They can tell, on their own, very
quickly, if something is not appropriate for them. My 4-year-old son understands enough about God's protection to
turn from something too scary, too intense, and even too confusing. Why would he need to waste his precious mind on things
that will not produce fruit in his life? We hold as a standard the words of Paul to the Philippians, "Finally, brothers,
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable
- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things." (4:8)
What else do I want my children to
know first? Well, I want them to be completely confident in the fact that they are both deeply and completely loved.
First by our Heavenly Father, and secondly, by a mom and dad that would sacrifice life and limb if need be to protect
and nurture them. They should know that they are safe and we will not compromise that safety. How can we foster that
security you ask? By not putting anything in our lives that would cause us to minimize that responsibility. How can
I protect their eyes if I am watching or reading something that is unworthy? How can I protect their ears if I all
they hear coming from my mouth is complaining, degrading, discouragement.you get the picture. Scripture says that is from
the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks. They should know first and foremost that I take my job as their biggest
security blanket very seriously.
The next part of our pattern is put forth because our children know we love
one another. The husband-wife relationship they see in front of them everyday is one I hope they admire and maybe emulate
in their married lives one day. Now I am not talking about the "natural" relationship they will see between two sinful
people. No, that would not be the best thing! Instead, I want my daughter to absorb into her being the way she sees
her dad love me. I want her to want a man to love her no less! She notices how he orders dinner for us.and knows exactly
what to leave off of my salad. She notices how he always puts me (and consequently them) first when making decisions.
She knows that he turns down dinner offers and time- wasting activities in lieu of being an integral part of our lives.
She knows dad comes home EVERY NIGHT without fail. She never has to wonder if he wants to be here. It is the only
thing she has ever known.
I want her to see in me a woman that is truly head-over-heels in love with my husband.
I want her to watch me get ready for his homecoming and know it is a high point in our day. She knows that I make
decisions with his input, always considering his opinion on both little and big things. She will see that what I do and
who I am is infinitely unimportant unless it includes all of them. I don't ever want her to think that I do these
things out of obligation.no way. They are my service, my calling, my ministry. I want those feminine threads and fibers
to be a perfect pattern of giving, loving ministry she will one day share with her family.
What about my son? The
one that God has entrusted us to raise to be a might man of God? I want him to see first the wonderful example he has
in his own daddy. I want him to marvel at how great his dad is in everything he does. I never want to belittle that wonder
by putting Michael down in his eyes. No, I want him to whisper to himself, "I want to be just like Dad." I want him
to notice first the way his dad seeks God's direction and asks God's favor to rest upon the choices he makes. I want
him to learn first how to treat a lady. One day there will be a lady that captures his still-growing heart. I want
him to know first that she must measure up to God's standards first.the things he learned first.
In me I want him
to see someone striving in all areas to be an example to him. I want him to know that a woman can be strong and decisive
and independent, but still submissive and loving and supportive.because he knew me first! Mom's, we are the first love
of our little boy's lives. He knows us first. He loves us first. Are we working to make sure that we are worthy of
that admiration and adoration? We will never be perfect, I know, but if we are putting the right things first in our
lives, they will become the things he knows first in his life.
What do you want your children to know first? I've
only touched on a small sampling of the things we want our children to know first. I could go on and on all day, and
never come up with a complete and finite list. BUT, I do know this, that according to the Proverbs, if I spend time
working on the things that my children should know first and base every one of them on the foundation of God's Word, it
will form a strong and mighty cloth, able to ward off the arrows of our adversary; provide shelter in time of storm;
give shade in the heat and offer warmth in the cold. It will allow me to see future generations influenced for God,
wrapped in a blanket woven from the firsts I provided.
For it says,
"Listen my son, to your father's instruction
and do not forsake your mother's teaching. They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.My
son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart
to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find knowledge of God.
For the Lord gives wisdom and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.My son, pay attention to what I say;
listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those
who find them and health to a man's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Put
away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your
gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right
or the left; keep your feet from evil."
"What you know first stays with you, my Papa says. But just in case I
forget, I will take a twig of the cottonwood tree. I will take a little bag of prairie dirt. I cannot take the sky. And
I'll try hard to remember the songs, and the sound of the rooster at dawn, and how soft the cows' ears are when you
touch them, so the baby will know what he knew first. And so I can remember, too." ~ "What You Know First"